Hide other variants’ media after selecting a variant
Similar to how it works in Dawn Theme. The grid/slider hides all variant images except for the one that is selected. I have attached a screenshot that shows it in Dawn Theme. Just makes the grid/slider look a lot cleaner if there are lots of variant images that aren't exactly of the product itself.
Anna Nguyen
Can you please refer to the Variant group image feature in this document to see if it is what you want? https://help.ecomposer.io/docs/editor-elements/product-elements/image/#variant-image-grouped
Anna Nguyen Hi, I did check that out prior to this and I don't know if it hides other variants or just groups them, either way that seems like a lot of work to tag every picture of every variant. In the picture I sent the very first image is the variant image of the selected variant, changing variant changes that image, all the other images are product images.
Anna Nguyen
trowieuk92915: Yes, that's the variant group image and to achieve that, please follow the document above and you will have to add alt tag to each image. This is the only solution now :)
Anna Nguyen that's terribly tedious for a paid theme builder when a free theme can do it without tagging hundreds of images.
Anna Nguyen
trowieuk92915: Can you please send me the link to the page with that function? Also, please show me where is the option for that in the Dawn theme so we can check it.
Thank you!
Anna Nguyen https://theme-dawn-demo.myshopify.com/products/mini-eddy-cappuccino
Anna Nguyen
trowieuk92915: Thank you. Can you please also show me where is the option of that function in the Dawn theme?
Anna Nguyen It's under the Product Information section. "Hide other variants’ media after selecting a variant"
Anna Nguyen
trowieuk92915: Thank you. I tried it but not sure if I missed any steps. Please help me to check, I have 2 Color variants here https://prnt.sc/znr2epcLn2rH then I enabled the option in my theme https://prnt.sc/mKBXR96jVEy6 but it doesn't work https://prnt.sc/DNCyys9E1nK8
Please check this link https://ecomposer-testing.myshopify.com/products/leather-watch222?view=ecom-backup
pass okok
Thank you!
Anna Nguyen I couldn't see the watch with 2 variants just one called "Deep Blue" with no color variant. However, "Dance Bag Nylon" has different size variant pictures and it's working for that.
Anna Nguyen
trowieuk92915: Thank you. I will log this request to our Admin team to check it. You will be updated here :)